Sunday, November 2, 2008

Etiquette Dinner

I don't want to go to the Etiquette Dinner. But I am forced to go for my interpersonal communication class, and forced to pay $15 out of my own empty pocket to attend this annual DU event.

Before I go on, I need to make something clear: I'm not really that upset about this, just annoyed. I feel like my parents raised me correctly and taught me proper table manners and how to socialize with strangers and most of the other things associated with this event; therefore, I do not feel that I should have to attend. While I'm sure I'll probably learn a few things at the Etiquette Dinner, and I don't doubt its usefulness for teaching students how to act in social and business situations, I feel I could use my two hours of time and $15 in a better way.

I think my instructor meant well in making this event mandatory for my class. However, making the event optional, while assuring the students of the many benefits of the event, would have been a better idea, perhaps even offering extra credit or something for those that attend. I don't think instructors should require students to attend events with an extra charge outside of class. However, this is simply one opinion. And I respect my instructor's decision to send students to this event; after all, it's for our own benefit.

I'm well aware that a good deal of college students actually don't have proper table manners and don't know how to act at business or professional dinner events. And that's their loss; I shouldn't have to do this simply because many of my fellow college students don't know how to cut their steak.

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