Tuesday, November 25, 2008

RSA President Discusses Upcoming Battle of the Bands

I sat down with RSA President Jaron Salazar to talk about the upcoming Dominican Battle of the Bands, sure to be an interesting event. Proceeds from this year's event will go toward the American Red Cross.

Applications for bands are currently available from RSA.


  1. "Younger" and "older" doesn't constitute different genres. I've been disappointed each year with the bands selected to perform at Dominican sponsored events; do the people that choose which bands to perform care at all about music?

    Choosing two 'pop punk' bands to perform at a battle of the bands is a travesty to music and Dominican as a whole.

    I suggest to those that are responsible for choosing which bands to play to think critically about your decisions and use your powers wisely; take a step back and understand that there is a wealth of beautiful music out there that you might have the opportunity of showing to people at Dominican, in turn strengthening the student population as a whole.

  2. Haywood Yards is playing this year at the 2009 Battle. Please check out some sounds before the show. We are very excited to take part and play for the students at Dominican University. Hear sounds here: www.myspace.com/haywoodyards
